Sales Gadgets Galore – Helpful or “Time Suck”

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3 Break-Through Ideas That Will Radically Improve Your Customer Conversations

It is no doubt that the methods of selling have shifted dramatically in our digital world. The customer’s buying journey has changed and wants to talk with us much later in their journey while purchasing on a subscription/adoption model vs big bang.  With all the information sources available to them on us and our competitors, they can do more research and have knowledge about our products and services before engaging with our sales teams. This puts a lot more power in the hands of the buyer and should cause us to rethink when and how we engage with them. And it changes their adoption and consumption model, affecting the timing and dependency of our revenues.

Additionally, the race to implement digital technology is speeding up the pace of change in companies and unfortunately making it easier to shift priorities. The negative effect is they do not have enough time to engage with sales teams. When they do engage, they try to control the interaction to focus on the information they think they need. Many times, this keeps us from understanding the context of why this is an issue to solve, the negative impacts on the current situation or who really cares. Additionally, there is less personal face time with more meetings conducted on Zoom, Teams, or Google meet. It certainly is a different medium than face to face and compounds the challenge  to really get to know people one on one and personally. It is harder to read body language and have “water cooler” moments.  Often, they are distracted from the multiple pings they are constantly getting from their social media platforms, Instagram, TikTok, or the myriads of chat channels.

Because of these challenges, we believe the job of sales teams is harder than ever, and you, the sales leaders, are challenged with helping improve productivity.  However, the thing we see and worry about most is that too many sales executives are throwing multiple processes, methodologies and tools and product training at the problem with good intent but poor results.

Sales Gadgets Galore without real productivity improvement!!!

In two recent engagements doing deal reviews, we were told by the senior sales leadership that they had implemented and were actively using several important sales tools. Both companies had their version of a unique Sales Process, a CRM system, a sales methodology, a tool for org charts, opportunity planning sheets, and some AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools. Our initial reaction was that this sounded great, and we were impressed at how much they were investing in their sales teams, some $5K per year per salesperson.  Unfortunately, our observations of reality showed a completely different picture. Almost no one was using all the tools. Most were complying with the CRM system as it was mandated by their leadership. None of the tools seemed to have a clear benefit to the individual salesperson and were not easy to use. Subsequently, when they were complying it was taking way too much time to complete these tools. Because they were not integrated or complementary to each other they were adding information in multiple places and frustrating the reps. But more importantly it was crowding out the critical activities of planning and practicing for sales calls and having more face time with customers.

The interesting thing for us was the huge gap in how the sales executives portrayed their sales enablement platforms and the reality of what the top producers and overwhelming majority of the sales teams relayed to us. We admit that two observations are not a statistically valid sampling and, that you and your company may be different. However, if you really want to know, get some outside observer with sales credentials to poll your sale teams to find out if you are helping or “sucking time”.

 In our next post we will tell you what we think is a better way to lead sales excellence in todays digital world.

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3 Break-Through Ideas That Will Radically Improve Your Customer Conversations

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Stacey Wber

Managing Partner

Stacey has deep experience in product management. After managing products and product management teams for 10 years, she joined Pragmatic Institute (formerly Pragmatic Marketing), teaching thousands of product management professionals the functional skills they needed to manage products in a profitable way. In 2018, she started her own company, Soaring Solutions, LLC, providing custom training development and delivery, coaching, and consulting for Product Management & Marketing teams. Stacey also collaborated to create the Quartz Open Framework, Product Growth Leaders, and Market-Driven Business.

Over these 25 years, Stacey repeatedly noticed that understanding the form and function of the job does not necessarily ensure success in product management. Product professionals also need to understand people — how to form authentic relationships quickly, even in a virtual world. They need to know how to connect and understand their teams and their markets, so they can inspire their companies, their teams, and their market’s buyers, users, and influencers. Stacey became a Managing Partner at CI2 Advisors because their Dynamic Relationship ModelTM will help close this gap, elevating the business outcomes and career trajectory of Product Managers and Product Marketing Managers. She’s excited to help you learn, practice, and apply these “soft skills” for greater alignment, productivity, profitability, and pleasure in your job.

The Cost of Miscommunication: Reflecting on its Impact and Opportunities for Improvement

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John Geraci

Founder & Managing Partner

John had over 40 years of executive leadership before becoming the Founder and CEO of Ci2 Advisors. His prior experiences includes: President at Information Associates, President at BlessingWhite (now GP Strategies), Partner at The Complex Sale, Executive VP at Advent Software, and Managing Partner at Unlimited Connections Consulting. John has also served on the boards of companies like ASM International, TraderTools, and FolioDynamix, as well as being an Advisor to the CEO at SCRA.

When John reflects on his time in executive level leadership, he realizes that effective communication was the leading factor in determining success or failure for business objectives. As the world of work began to change, John knew that communication would be even more difficult to convey effectively, and being about to connect with, understand, and inspire customers would be harder to do than ever – that is why he founded Ci2 Advisors. His passion for this work stems from his belief that when customers feel heard and understood, amazing things can happen within your customer relationships and overall business performance.