In our previous post we commented on the proliferation of sales tools and technologies that have hit the market in the last several years. We questioned the effectiveness of these tools in general and challenged all of you to test this to determine if your sales teams were really using them. We think not and recommend turbocharging these efforts another way.
Brad is known in the sales world as one of the best Deal Coaches ever. He has the canny ability to get to the “heart of the matter” and coach reps to focus on the things that can make a difference. Basically, after hearing the prospect’s Story of their current situation, issues and reasons they want to change, he focuses almost exclusively on the people.
- Are we calling on the right people? Not just those we can get access to, but those that can be our champions and significantly influence the outcome.
- Do we have a meaningful connection with those stakeholders? Do we understand the implications of the situation to them and the reality of their personal “why”?
- Are we delivering powerful messages that inspire customers to want to make this new journey? Inspired stakeholders have strong preference for us and our solution and will fight for us in the political struggle as their buying cycle draws to a close.
- Are constantly re-evaluating this with the idea “can we win or should we qualify out?”
These are easy questions to ask but very hard to answer with certainty. It is harder than ever in today’s world where our time with prospects is less and most of it is not face-to-face. The nuances of multiple generations make this even more complicated. We believe that not enough time is spent on this analysis and preparation prior to our meetings with prospects and there are “no second chances” in today’s world. Our approach can dramatically help.
Ci2 Advisors focuses exclusively on coaching and training teams to build stronger relationships that matter to win more deals or qualify out early. We help you apply our Dynamic Relationship model, with advanced communication skills of business Storytelling and Transformational listening specifically to the critical people in your deals. The model helps you realize that relationships are more fluid or dynamic today and you have to constantly be “rethinking” and “earning the right”. Our Story Map will help you become a better Business Storyteller making the right key points, the right way with the right people in a compelling way. You will more quickly see if they can aspire to the vision of another customer’s success or are too biased to “opt into your approach.” One way or the other, knowing if they are for you or against is key to knowing who to spend your time with and/or qualify out to save you time.
To tell these compelling Business Stories effectively we must have a deeper understanding of the Prospect. Knowing the overall Story of the Customer and the specific implications for the key people you are trying to serve is harder than ever to find out. They have researched your firm, think they know you, and want to just hear your pitch. Our Transformational listening model will help you change the game. Applying this model will help you slow down the tempo, getting the customer to open up more. When done well your customers will “feel” heard and you will “earn the right” to learn more detailed information. Better information can provide key insights that will help you craft a compelling story that can allow customers to “opt in” to your approach and become an ally or even champion. Learning and applying this new approach alone can take your sales game to another level, differentiate your approach and win more deals. What does Brad say.
“As the Past President of THE COMPLEX SALE and co-author of that award winning book, I have been formulating these hypotheses for over 10 years. We are throwing tools and technologies at sales problems, while not continuing to learn and train on the most dynamic and critical thing in sales, human relationships. When John invited me to a workshop in Chicago to experience this approach, I was open but skeptical. I was impressed with the depth yet simplicity of these models. I sat in the moderated practice sessions and was surprised at how this unique approach led to deeper understanding and connections.
I witnessed reps practicing key stories and seeing the big benefits of doing multiple repetitions. They became more compelling storytellers with more powerful messages. I bought into this innovative approach, thinking that many sales execs believe their teams do this well, but it is really the ‘missing link’. My belief is that these human skills are even more critical today than ever. Most of us are not up to date on these innovative advanced skills and lack the practice to master them. It is hurting productivity, sales excellence and our ability to win. I believe that Ci2’s unique approach can really make a difference and highly recommend you taking a deeper look to help turbocharge your sales techniques.